Friday, June 18, 2010

How should I React When . . .

When I'm writing about "when" Whenever I feel like bored when in office.

How Should I React WHEN. . . . . .

:: When I have to be around  peoples who feel like they are the most beautiful, gorgeous, genius, perfect and bla bla bla person ever exist in this whole universe that everyone must feel like ''Oh my goshh, I'm a loser''. Huh.
a) Tell him/her that yes, u are soooso damn great and everybody should be jealous of u, so that I can be part of her/his gang.
b) Compete with him/her and let them know who's on the floor. Hellooo ~ It's me here. Bajet cam hebat sangat je aku kan. Kih.Kih.Kih. Tapi ingat ko sorang je penah belaja kat oversea. Aku pon la. [Padahal kat Sabah je, tp aku kisah sgt ke? Huh]

-But as for  ME: Boleh blah la ang. P la perasan terus. Jgn nak mengada ngan ak sudah. Ha.Ha.Ha

:: When I was accused on something that I have no idea when on earth I did it and did not given any chance to defend myself. "You are guilty no matter what, No excuse. Full Stop." And everyone looked at you as a law-breaker. World Wildlife Fund sungguh!
I? :
a) Ok, I'll just accept it. Its my fate I guess. It's ok.
b) Find the culprit behind all this wasting-my-time-matter
c) Should I care? Is it my problem anyway? Up to you to believe me or not to as long as I know I'M RIGHT and YOU'RE DAMN WRONG.

ME: I'll fight for my right. I'm not going to give up on myself. I'm not going to say I'm right if I know I'm wrong. If u still cant accept the truth, then its your problem. You are the one who have a BIG2 problem with yourself and I xada masa nak layan u! Ha.Ha.Ha

:: When I have two or more choices, but I can just have one and the choice I made would determine my future. The choices seem to be no difference at first either one I choose but actually it would affect my life totally that I may end up in two different circumstances. Which one should I pick?? What' s the worst could happen if I choose &$%# or would %0*&^%&* be my best choice?? What should I be in the future?? Where I suppose to be in the future??
Should I :
a) Act like usual, and let things go with the flow. No point in thinking too much, What's going to happen will happen though. Just accept it as fate and be happy. La la la ~
b) Hit my head to the wall, so that I can think straight and clear. Headbangging may be helpfull in improving blood circulation in ur brain.
c) Keep thinking, make the pros and cons list. Which one with more pros won. Easy.
d) Do survey. Follow the result. At least u have a group of people that can be accused reffered to for your wrong-decision-making later.

ME: I would do all d, then c, and if I still cant decide, b is an option, then a, I let thing go with its flow. But usually I'll follow my instinct. And as a muslim, I know that ALLAH is always with me and if I have done the best for my part, HE will take care of the rest. Everything is going to be fine - I know.

:: When I first met some one whom I admired soooo much face to face, eyes to eyes. Feels like I'm melting. Weu.Weu.Weu.~ ~ Kih.Kih.Kih.

a) Act cool. Relax. I'll look like a fool if he knows it.
b) It's the time babe. Get him.
c) La la la. . . He will never know about me.

ME: I'm speechless, breathless, and petrified once he smile at me. Ha.Ha.Ha. [Berangan xbley bla kan?]

:: When I have a zillion dollar and a mountain of gold, in front of me and I have to choose either one. Would this " I want them all" thought come across my mind? Hell yes, of course. Right? How can u think straight and right to choose either one? What would be your matter of justification? Is it ''How can it benefits me?, Which benefits me the most?" or "What I can do with it that may help others and make everyone happy even if I did not get any of it?" Think for your own self or happiness of people around u come first? How should I decide??
a) Myself should come first. Sorry.
b) It's ok. I dont need all this as long as everyone around me happy

ME: I want Myself and Everyone around me to be happy. So, I'll take both. Ha.Ha.Ha.

:: When my stomach told me she's hungry and the time now is 12:30 PM
a) Go to lunch lar.
b) Eat.Eat.Eat

ME: Yes, I'm going to grab my lunch and So. Bye.

Ha.Ha.Ha. Ini adalah entry 97% berbahasa Inggeris dan dilaksanakan atas dasar menurut perintah kesukaan hati aku.


Best Regards,


  1. salam..


    pasal sendiri pun dah biasa kena camni...
    people around gone crazy
    forget the true Greatness out there
    but keep showing their 'greatness'
    at the same time they make others looking 'bad'

    talk2 behind perhaps? (cakap belakang)
    atau kena tuduh bukan2?
    atau kena dengki?
    atau mangsa kronism?
    atau kena buli?

    whatever it takes
    whatever the risks

    hold Allah in ur heart

    gud luck


  2. yup. coz whtever track u decide upon, there is always someone 2 tell u that u r wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt u to believe that ur critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage n courage n courage. huhu

    thnks n luck 2 u too~
